Our Millie Girl

Our Millie Girl

Monday, September 23, 2013

Pictures from the beginning to now

Here are some pictures of Millie and her journey with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. For some reason, they are posted backwards, so start at the bottom so see them in order starting from April until now. 

Appt where they taught me how to do her shot

All her Chemo "gear"

At a Rheumy appt, such a good sport

Lab work done and showing off her Justin Bieber sticker

In the ball pit at physical therapy kicking her legs

All checked in for her joint injections procedure in her knees and ankles

On our way home from Phoenix Children's Hospital

Same day as her joint injections, she started to walk again!

Her scar from the surgery when they washed out the joint, drained fluid and did a biopsy on her inflamed tissue.

Healing from the surgery

This was my life for two months, huge pregnant with a toddler stuck to my hip. Never wanna do that again! It was rough!

When her left ankle first started to swell

Our second trip to Cardons when we were admitted for four days

In a good mood

Sleeping was so rough

Miserable after surgery

She'd be so happy leaving the hospital room for walks, especially if we visited the train set up downstairs

She was such a trooper with the splint, she barely complained

On our way home from Cardons with her splint on

Millie patiently waiting for some answers and playing with us at our first visit to Cardons

A very scary/yucky moment for me when Millie was sedated for draining fluid from her knee

A few days after her rash was gone, her swollen knee was way worse

Pictures from Millie's "hives", when we first noticed the swelling in her right knee


  1. What a long road it's been since that rash! I'm so glad our Millie girl is doing so much better. I'm hoping that she stays that way! Love you guys :)

    1. I know Colb! You basically saw it all begin and all the chaos right there with me. You really helped me stay strong and always helped cheer Millie up. Thanks for being such a great friend and for all your support. Love you!
